When deciding between a wired and wireless electric dog fence, consider your specific requirements, property layout, and your dog’s needs.

When deciding between a wired and wireless electric dog fence, consider your specific requirements, property layout, and your dog’s needs.
Do you feel that your dog is afraid of strangers? If yes, it is because of a certain amount of fear. Some dogs also get nervous.
About a month ago I was away with the hunds staying with my parents and got a tearful phone call from my partner to find Kit had passed away.
This is for all the “my dog doesn’t work for food” claimants. Your dog will work for food. Some animals need a fair bit of coaxing.
Check out Karen Overall’s Protocol for Relaxation for a great systematic desensitisation method. Adapt it for your own uses.
I really like the safety signal. My first clue that his fear was fading was seeing his ears swivelling around listening for that signal.
The training world is full of ideas that were formed through bias and then supported by bias until they come to represent fact.
I should probably introduce the animals properly. Kit’s my oldest, so I’ll start with him. Kit is a European Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus). Hares were introduced into Australia and are therefore considered a feral species and a minor pest. Unlike rabbits, hares are generally solitary, do not dig burrows, and are born fully furred with […]
Last year I attended the APDT conference in Sydney where Ken Ramirez was a keynote speaker. Given how hard it is to find anyone with tips for training hares and Ramirez is one of the world’s great exotic animal trainers, I attended every one of his talks and even managed to corner him at one […]